četrtek, 15. september 2011

DOWNLOAD: uTorrent

uTorrent (µTorrent)

This small Bit-Torrent-Client uTorrent (µTorrent) has all what you need to comfortably load Bit-Torrent-Files from the internet.

Although it might be a small Freeware software, it will allow you to do almost anything you want with Torrent-Files. This free tool uTorrent has among others a queue-line, allows you to simultaneously load different files and fixes disconnected downloadable files without any loses. With uTorrent Torrent-Maker you can create Torrent-Files yourself and publish them on the Internet. 

Last Update: 16.08.2011 OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
Downloads: 20520
Type: Free-ware Size: 0,61 MB
Language: MultilingualPrice: -

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